Wednesday, June 25, 2008

40 down - 3 to go...

That's right - 3 weeks from tomorrow until we get married!!
I'm a little bit excited (okay... a lot a bit excited)
I think these next 3 weeks will be some of the busiest of my life but I'm ready for it.
I knew Benson and I were meant for each other when we did this for our second date...
(I know we're pretty hardcore)
He is not only the smartest, "funnest" person I know, but he's also my best friend.
Besides - I think we're kinda cute too...

2 witty remarks:

Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

haha best pic ever! sarah i think you might be able to pass for a mexican...benson, not so much. but it made an awesome picture! the wedding will come so fast! i was so so nervous at the temple right before we went in, but the second we went into the sealing room, i was so calm. i've never felt so calm and peaceful before. its awesome! its true, you are pretty cute together.

Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

just scroll to the bottom and it has the training program. i HATE running too and i'm actually doing it. you'll love it. i feel so good. its more fun with someone (obvisouly) but it can still be done by yourself...just turn up your headphones. we've been training on both the treadmill and outside. trying to do more outside b/c thats where the actually race is. good luck!