Thursday, February 17, 2011


Mom: Should we stay still?
Me: Yes
Mom: Okay *starts swinging*
Me: No, I said don't move, now smile


Me: You look mad, try again...


Me: Hmmm - not quite...


Mom: I don't like that one - let's take another...
Me: Okay, let's do a funny face since you have a hard time smiling


Me: WHAT?! You were supposed to do a funny face!
Mom: I did
Me: No.. that's a perfect smile - next time I tell you to smile, do that...







Me: Okay now do that "funny" face again where it looks like your actually smiling...


Much better!

5 witty remarks:

Unknown said...

Awesome! I love seeing your beautiful mom again! It's been way too long - and she hasn't changed a day! NO FAIR! Love those pics!

Rydgd said...

Sorry - above comment is from me - but I forgot to check and I made the comment under Maddie's sign in :)

angiedunn said...

k, you are the cutest and now we know where it came from. so adorable.

shailapew said...

In the past, I only associated your mom with AMAZING cooking (I still dream of those soups). These pictures made me laugh out loud! What a fun/awesome mom you have. It will be fun for you guys to have these pictures 20 yrs. from now.

Bev said...

You and your Mom are adorable. Actually, I think she could be your sister...just sayin!~ Love this!!